Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Does Ideal Protein Program Work?

The body has three sources of energy--carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. It burns carbohydrates first for energy. Once the body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it will simultaneously draw on its protein and fat reserves for energy. Ideal Protein gives your body the protein it needs so your muscles are protected. (Many other diets do not have adequate protein so you lose your muscle which decreases your metabolism. This is a primary reason for the "yo-yo" dieting effect.) Your body is able to draw on your fat reserves through a natural body process called ketosis. Since your body is not producing a lot of insulin, your pancreas has a chance to heal and become less insulin resistant. (This is much like turning your overheated car off and letting it cool down.) When you reach your goal we instruct you how to reintroduce more calories and carbs so your weight stabilizes. You are able to lose 3-7 lbs a week without the side effects of drugs, hormones, or surgery.

96% of Pre-Diabetics Don't Know They Have It. Do you?

The Two-Minute Diabetes Q&A
Uncontrolled diabetes doubles your risk of heat disease and shortens life by 10-15 years. Here’s how to know if you're headed for trouble.

Shockingly often, doctors miss opportunities to test people at high risk for diabetes. The result: according to a Centers for Disease Control survey, just 4 percent of people with pre-diabetes have been told by their doctors that they have the condition. And another 5.7 million are living with undiagnosed diabetes.

So grab a pencil--this self-check is easy,but it can find nine out of ten people at risk for dangerous blood sugar problems.

HOME CHECK Circle your answers, then add up the points.

1.How old are you? (Under 40: 0 points; 40-49 1; 50-59: 2; 60 or older: 3)
2.Are you a woman (0) or man (1)?
3.Does a family member (parent, brother, or sister) have diabetes? (No: 0; yes: 1)
4.Do you have high blood pressure or are you on medication for high blood pressure? (No: 0; yes: 1)
5.Are you overweight or obese? (Normal weight: 0; overweight: 1; obese: 2; extremely obese: 3)
6.Are you physically active? (No: 0; yes -1)

YOUR NEXT STEP If your total score is 4 or higher, there’s a good chance you have prediabetes. If it’s 5 or higher, you’re at high risk for diabetes. Weight loss is the most effective preventative treatment. Many of our patients have great success controlling their blood sugars.

This One Minute Test Could Save Your Life

Measure your Middle
With an oversize waist, your risk of an early death shoots up--even if you aren’t overweight.
A bulging middle is a signal that you have lots of visceral fat, the thick, yellow fat deep in the abdomen that pumps fatty acids, appetite-stimulating hormones, and inflammation-fueling chemicals into the blood stream.
In a recent study of 360,000 people from nine European countries, big waistlines predicted disaster even for people who weren’t overweight--increasing the risk of premature death 79 percent for women and doubling it for men. A big middle is particularly hard on the heart, tripling the risk for fatal heart disease in a Harvard School of Public Health study of 44,636 women.

Even so, experts say doctors frequently fail to measure the waists of normal-weight patients--which means they’re likely to be missing “ab fat” in these otherwise slender patients.

HOME CHECK Bare your torso and stand in front of the mirror. Circle your waist with a tape measure, then move it down until the bottom of the table rests at the top of your hip bones. This is the position recommended by the National Institutes of Health. Don’t hold your breath or cinch the tape too tight. Write down the number.
YOUR NEXT STEP For men, risk for diabetes and heart disease begins to rise with a reading of 37 inches; a measurement of 40 inches and up is considered high risk. For women, 32 inches is the danger threshold, and 35 inches is high-risk terrain. Best ways to shrink visceral fat? Exercise and a Mediterranean-style diet (plenty of produce, grains, fish, and monounsaturated fat from olive oil and nuts). Because visceral fat is more metabolically active than fat on your hips or elsewhere, its actually apt to come off relatively fast as you start to lose weight.
Reader’s Digest, July 2010, 136

I Lost the Weight. Now What? 7 Easy Snacks

When our patients go on the Maintenance Phase(Phase 4), they often ask "Now what?" When they are on Phase 1 of the diet they realize the importance of eating regularly and balancing their protein and carbs. Food choices are outlined specifically. Once they are in Phase 4 the diet isn't as specific and there is more leeway. Sometimes "snacks" can turn into mini-meals of 400-500 calories with lots of fats and carbs.

Here are a few quick snacks that you can have around all the time and help balance your blood sugar and help you stay satisfied. They are between 100-150 calories.
1.carrots and hummus
2.cottage cheese and fruit
3.apples and peanut butter
4.non fat Greek yogurt with berries (Winco started carrying a great Greek yogurt)
5.Turkey or ham with mustard
6.string cheese
7.small bowl of whole grain cereal
8. Ideal Protein bar, drink, pudding, or soup

My Weight Loss Stalled. What could be causing it?

Sometimes your weight loss might stall on the program. Be sure to write down what you eat on your weekly summary sheet so we can track down the problem. This diet is based on natural laws. When your body goes into ketosis it naturally turns your fat into energy. If you go above 25 carbs a day it could throw you out of ketosis which will slow your progress. It takes 3-4 days to get back into it. Here is a checklist to identify any problems.
Intentional or Unintentional Deviations from the Program (Cheats)
• Consuming more than one restricted food per day.
• Skipping a meal. (Probably one of the most common reasons I see in my patients. I know--weird. But if you don't eat enough your body won't let you use weight.)
• Not consuming required amount of vegetables.
• Consuming too many vegetables that are high on the glycemic index.
• Salad dressing with hidden sugars.
• Hidden carbs--breath mints, cough drops, sugarless gum, flavored waters.
• Consuming food that are not allowed during the protocol (Non Phase 1 or 2 foods.)
• Weighing the same time and day of week

Pre or Peri-Menopausal Women
You will retain water during menstruation. Your weight loss will show up the next week.

If you don't have a bowel movement every day your weigh-in might not be accurate. Be sure to eat your vegetables and take your supplements.

Muscle Gain Vs. Fat Loss
Your body is reshaping, the scale may not identify this but your measurements and clothes will! I lost 19 lbs my first month but didn't lose much for 2-3 weeks after. However I doubled my inches lost.